So I know this post has nothing to do with free speech but it does have to do with responsibility. And this is my space to talk about what is important to me - so that is free speech right? Well, for those of you who don't know (I didn't until I just looked it up)
Earth Day 2008 is April 22. I honestly have never done anything for earth day before and since everyone is jumping on this eco-friendly trend lately I thought this might be important. I do not consider myself to be an enviormentalist but I do what I can to "be green." I realize that climate change is a serious problem in our world I really truly want to be a part of the positive change we are making. But I sometimes get really discouraged. As a college student I am sure you all know this feeling, it can be really hard to but the local, organic, "green" products because they are often more expensive. I also get discouraged because I think about how little of an impact I can really have on something so huge as climate change. In researching this I have found a lot of
how to sites on being more environmentally friendly but I find that a lot of these tips do not really apply to me. Do you guys have a tips that you can think of that help you with thi

s? Also do you know of any place to buy local, organic or just more enviornmentally friendly products on a college budget? Any of your tips will help thanks!!! Also what if anything are you planning on particpating in for earth day? I was sparked to write this blog based on a show I saw the other night on the national geographic channel called
the human footprint. I don't know how often they will be reshowing it but if you can catch it is an amazing show about the amount of products an American goes through in their life time - and it is only a hour! If you don't have an hour then check out
this video - it's hilarious!