So I know we talked about the issue of art and censorship a while ago but I ran across this "exhibit" that I just can't ignore. I have been trying to find as much information that I can about it but it is hard to know what is true on this one. The artist, Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a stray dog from the area and tied him up in a corner to starve to death. He has not released comments as to whether the dog actually died but "some people say" that it has. On the wall near the dog there were phrases written in spanish in dog food. He has said that the exhibit was meant to raise awareness about the cruelty of animals but is this really the way to do it? The is a petition going around to prevent him from doing a similar exhibit again. I found a lot of blogs, videos, and articles about this. What do you guys think, is it art and a public statement or is it just cruel?
How can you raise awareness about something when you're doing the act to raise the awareness? That doens't make sense to me. Why is this dog's life worth any less than the rest, so that it may be used as a demonstration of animal cruelty. There are plenty of animals all over the world that can be photographed in harsh conditions, why do it to this dog to make the point?
I don't think it is art at all. And if he is trying to prove the point of the starvation of dogs, why would actually starve a dog? That doesn't make sense, it has to be animal cruelty. It maybe freedom of expression, so maybe it is art, but it still has to be cruelty to animals.
Looking at this picture, I was completely disturbed and angered. I love dogs and seeing this dog obviously in pain and being neglected is nothing that the public should see or someone should force. I agree with hippiegurl, I do not see how this is raising awareness. The "artist" is taking part in the cruelty that he supposedly is raising awareness for. I strongly hope that he will not be able to do this sort of thing to any more animals.
I agree with hippiegurl, this is only making me concerned with animal cruelty. This is not making me aware about any other issue other than animal cruelty. I know that art is in the eye of expression, but what is this telling other than cruelty.
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